Note: This isn't backward-compatible with HDNes - which is why it uses version number 100. The older ver 2-3 packs use different syntax and do not support conditions/backgrounds/etc. 100 [integer] [png filename] [sha1 hash] [ips/bps filename],[sha1 hash] disableSpriteLimit (optional) [name - text], [conditionType - text], [x value - integer], [y value - integer], [tile data], [palette data - hex] [png filename],[brightness - 0.0 to 1.0] [img index - integer], [tile data - hex], [palette data - hex], [x pos in png - integer], [y pos in png - integer], [brightness - 0.0 to 1.0], [defaultTile - 'Y' or 'N'] Conditions ---------- To use conditions, add the condition's name at the start of the line. e.g: [myConditionName]... Conditions can be applied to or tags only. The first matching rule (in the order they are written in the hires.txt file) will be used. So conditional tiles MUST be placed before tiles with no conditions (for the same tile+palette data) to have any effect. You can force multiple conditions to be true by joining them with a &: [cond1&cond2]... conditionType is a text value that must be one of these: tileAtPosition, tileNearby, spriteAtPosition, spriteNearby tileAtPosition/spriteAtPosition use the X/Y parameters as screen coordinates, e.g: myCondition,tileAtPosition,10,10,[tile data],[palette data] "myCondition" will be true if the tile at position 10,10 on the NES' screen (256x240 res) matches the tile+palette data given tileNearby/spriteNearby use positive or negative X/Y offsets to the current position. myCondition2,tileNearby,-8,0,[tile data],[palette data] "myCondition2" will be true if the tile 8 pixels to the left of the current tile matches the tile+palette data Palette Data ------------ Palette data is in hex and represents all 4 colors in the palette used by the tile/sprite For sprites, the first hex value is always FF. e.g: 10133F05 is the palette for a background tile FF120405 is the palette for a sprite (since sprites cannot use 4 colors on the NES) Tile Data --------- Tile data varies based on the game type. For CHR ROM games it is an integer representing the tile's location in CHR ROM from the start. For CHR RAM games it is a 16-byte hex representation of the tile itself. e.g: CHR ROM: 0,120,10133F05,... CHR RAM: 0,D250B460A8C2952270F4D0EA62508665,0F302112,...